Honestly Essential Oils - Lesson 14

The 14th episode of insight into Essential Oils and how they can benefit your life and improve your Lifestyle!
Hi, on behalf of HonestlyEssentials.com, I would like to discuss Bergomat Essential Oil today. Bergamot is an incredibly versatile oil. First of all, it's very safe for pregnant women and for children, but it is a skin irritant because it comes from the miniature orange. So be careful how you use it. As a digestive stimulant, it's good for lost appetite, especially when somebody has been sick or just not feeling well. It clears the digestive system. It's also very detoxing and it helps with cellulite, which is a plus for most women.
When it comes to the skin, it's very good to use as well with herpes and psoriasis. So here again, I like to combine it with other oils beneficial for psoriasis like benzoin, which I have already discussed. It's good for depression, for anxiety, for emotional upsets, and then excellent for urinary tract infections. So in summary, it is great for the urinary system, for the nervous system and for the skin.
This is Cecilia and I would like to thank you for listening to this video, and I will be discussing more oils with you, and if you're interested in more information, it is available in my book, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty.
Thank you.
Cecilia Salvesen is the author of You Become What You Eat, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty, and Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines. She is a therapeutic Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, and practices Foot Compression and Meridian Therapy. She holds diplomas in Complementary Medicine, Therapeutic Reflexology, Therapeutic Aromatherapy, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.