Honestly Essential Oils - Lesson 18

The 18th episode of insight into Essential Oils and how they can benefit your life and improve your Lifestyle!
I would like to tell you a little bit about Camphor Essential Oil. Camphor is well used in the east and it's very well understood in the southern hemisphere, but I have found with my travels and international use of essential oils that in the northern hemisphere there's not much understood about Camphor. It's one of those very good oils that is known very little about.
Camphor for me has two values, one in treating respiratory conditions and the other one is in treating dry skin. Now, let me talk about the respiratory conditions first. Be careful in inhaling too much camphor because the fumes can be toxic. If you do too much. It's fine to use in a diffuser and it is very good to disinfect the air and to help with coughs and colds and flus and the normal respiratory conditions. I wouldn't advise putting it on a Kleenex and then inhaling it continuously. If you had it on a tissue and you kept on inhaling, I wouldn't advise that, but fine and great in a diffuser.
So covering the respiratory conditions, you can apply it to the chest, you can apply to the throat, even to the frontal maxillary sinuses a little bit under the nose. Use it in a diffuser. You can do it in a put some drops in a box and let the steam also open up. For skin conditions, it's excellent for the dry elbows, cracked heels and even in treating conditions like eczema and psoriasis, especially psoriasis, because there's a lot of flaking that takes place with psoriasis.
So don't be scared to use this oil. Don't use too much of it, because as much as it can treat skin conditions dry and cracked skin, too much can also irritate the skin. Use it safely in a diffuser. Don't overdo it by taking in too many fumes. So enjoy essential oils. These oils are available through HonestlyEssential.Com and more information about camphor and many other oils and recipes and treatment advice can be found in my book, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty.
Thank you.
Cecilia Salvesen is the author of You Become What You Eat, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty, and Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines. She is a therapeutic Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, and practices Foot Compression and Meridian Therapy. She holds diplomas in Complementary Medicine, Therapeutic Reflexology, Therapeutic Aromatherapy, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.